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What is Montessori?

The Montessori approach, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, uses both a philosophy of child development and a rationale for guiding such growth. Dr. Maria Montessori was the first woman in Italy to become a doctor back in 1896. Not only was she a ground-breaker for women, but through her work with the asylums in Rome, Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of education changed the face of early childhood.
​To cultivate a learning community where children discover their own unique abilities. To create an environment in which children learn naturally, supporting self-reliance along with independent learning. To motivate young people as they grow into secure, well-rounded citizens. To achieve this mission we base our educational approach on the developmental philosophy and methods of Dr. Maria Montessori. ​
"The environment must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences."
Maria Montessori
In her research, Dr. Montessori noted specific characteristics associated with a child’s interests and abilities at each level of development. She believed that a school carefully designed to meet the needs and interests of the child would be effective if it were consistent with the basic principles of psychology. Rather than fight the laws of nature, Montessori suggested that we “follow the child,” allowing her to show us how best to foster the development of her human potential. Dr. Montessori observed children’s remarkable, almost effortless ability to absorb knowledge from their surroundings and essentially teach themselves. This simple and profound truth inspired her pursuit of educational reform, curriculum development, methodology, psychology, teaching, and teacher training.
The Montessori Method is based on observed tendencies in children:
to explore and manipulate objects in their environment.
to repeat an activity until movement is perfected.
to develop an inner sense of order from their existing environment.
to choose their own activities.
to adapt to their native culture by imitating activities observed in their household.
to learn, almost effortlessly, when they choose an activity in which they are truly interested

The Montessori classroom is commonly referred to as a “prepared environment.” This term reflects the importance of creating a learning environment which reinforces the child’s natural interests, independence, and intellectual development. An important element in this prepared environment is the use of special Montessori materials. Based on her studies of children’s learning, Dr. Montessori noted that most children do not learn from memorizing what they hear from their teachers or read in a book, but from concrete experience and direct interaction with their environment. Montessori materials are designed to facilitate concrete learning in every area of the curriculum.